Success Is Contagious

Laying in my cozy bed on a cool Fall Sunday morning while listening to the sound of raindrops dancing in an unpredictable symphony on the roof, I feel relaxed and at peace. Reflecting on the journey that I began just 10.5 months ago, it seems to be happening so fast yet in slow-motion at the same time. Each day has been it’s own little space in time, bringing new and many times unexpected adventures. As I am learning to see through new eyes I find myself seeing the world in an entirely new and fresh way. I see hope and a future. I see endless possibilities. I see the impossible as possible. I see unbelief as a new adventure. But most of all I see the best version of me awakening. I’m introducing myself to me. Yes, I look in the mirror and say “Well hello there Stephanie. It’s nice to finally meet you.” “Yes it is, isn’t it?” “I like you.” “I’m glad because I’m here to stay.” Self-dialogue can be quite healing. 😊 Sometimes when walking past a mirror I do a double-take because I don’t recognize my new body. As of December 1, 2014/10.5 months I have lost (never to be found again😉) 123 pounds! I have walked 5 5K’s so far. I’ve began adding spurts of jogging during my most recent 5K, cutting several minutes off my time. I am working out at the gym, training 5-6 days a week. I eat healthy and track my food/calories. The biggest contribution to my continued success is my support system. I am constantly being cheered on and encouraged by my family, my friends and even strangers. I am honored and humbled to know that several people have told me that because of me, they are inspired and have started their own journey of making healthy choices to loose weight and be physically active. I’m realizing that my weight loss is so much bigger (no pun intended lol) than just me dropping pounds. It’s bringing hope. What a blessing. Words cannot express how thankful I am. Knowing that my struggles and tough moments are helping others is what keeps me motivated to push forward and not give up. It’s so worth it… and so are you.