It’s Your Journey


This was right up there with the best, especially for an inaugural race

~Robert Toonkel, 263 marathons

I was so happy to be a part of this inaugural race and my “comeback” to running after having 2 kids. It was a great course and I even nabbed a PR in my 13.1 time!

~Elida Stinson-Hufford,

Wonderful 1st marathon experience!

~Melissa Johnson,

Referring to the Course Marshals and aid station volunteers:They were like seeing friends on the course!

~Heidi Neuffer, marathon women’s division winner

We saw a really nice part of Eugene! The residential area at the beginning/end were beautiful with wide, open streets and generous turns. I had imagined tighter streets with cars and rough asphalt–Enthusiastic aid stations and guys giving directions at every turn! Thank you, volunteers–Gorgeous run along the river in Eugene! Many of the marathon miles are on this out and back stretch, providing great views all the way. Sorry, Eugene Marathon, but I think PNW has a better marathon course.–Post race stretching by physical therapists! I’ve never gotten one before because the lines are always too long. But I did this time and it was great!–The RD really cares! Saw him out driving the course and shouting encouragement to us. That never happens!–Short sprint to the finish after the last turn! Seeing the finish line from far off is painful, but this one was short and right after the last turn. I didn’t know I was at the end until I was just about there.

~Cherl Willardson

The crowd at the finish line was tremendous. I have never heard more cheering at the finish of a race…it was a very uplifting feeling.

~Philip Krooswyk

You did a fantastic job with this race, we had a blast!! The course was great, nice amount of shade and low traffic, tons of volunteers and clear directions…I can’t wait for next year.

~Kate Becker

Jacob Lathel Callister had the best post race entertainment I’ve ever heard!!!

~Jeremy Tolman, half marathon winner

I can’t tell you how much the support and encouragement that…all of those associated with the Pacific Northwest Marathon has meant to me.

~Shawn Wells, 1st half marathon

Fantastic, new course; excellent event tech shirt; the best volunteers; well stocked aid stations; and super nice finisher medal.
~Jessica Mumme, RunOregon blogger

I loved it! And I didn’t throw up this time!
~Sarah, 2nd Marathon

Great work team PNW marathon!!
~Sebastien Durandeu

This was the Best!

17-time half marathoner

Race-day related updates will be posted here.