Getting Back On Track

imageI am going to be perfectly honest and tell you that for the past two months I haven’t done any walking at all. When I reached my goal of walking 2015 miles in 2015 I had no ambition or energy to walk. Every day since 1/1/16 I have told myself that this was the day I was going to start walking again and at the end of each day I hadn’t walked a single mile. I kept making excuses: “I’m too tired”. “I’m too busy”. “It’s too cold”. “It’s raining”. I finally decided yesterday that “enough is enough”. I asked a friend of mine if she would e-mail or message me every Monday afternoon so that I could be accountable to someone about the miles I had walked. Since I wasn’t doing the 2016 miles in 2016, I needed something or someone to keep me on track. So, on a cold, winter morning(2/1/16), I laced up my walking shoes and headed out the door wearing lots of layers. I took one walk by myself in the morning, one walk with a friend in the afternoon, and one walk in the evening with my dog for a total of 5 miles.

Besides getting back on track with my walking I also needed to be prepared to get back on track with my eating so that I could lose some more weight, stay fit, and have more energy throughout the day. I made a batch and a half of steel cut oats and divided them up in 2/3 cup containers to go in the refrigerator. This way I could grab a container out of the fridge, heat it up, and have a healthy breakfast ready to eat(I ate one serving and put 6 servings in the fridge.) I poured unsweetened applesauce in 1/2 cup containers, added some cinnamon, and put those in the fridge. I then thawed a bowl of frozen triple berry blend, a bowl of frozen strawberries, and a bowl of frozen blueberries. I added 2 cups of yogurt to each bowl and put it all in 1/2 cup containers. I put some in the fridge for snacks and froze the other 16 containers. I also got healthy cold cereals, small bags of microwave popcorn, and a few other things. If I don’t have things prepared I tend to grab unhealthy snacks and I tend to overeat. I am thankful I got so much done and I feel confident that I will continue my fitness journey, lose weight and reach my goals by January 2017.

Race-day related updates will be posted here.