In A Funk

A few weeks ago I finished my goal of walking 2015 miles in 2015. Immediately, I fell into a funk. It was almost like I didn’t know what goal to set next and I felt “lost”. I had devoted a whole year to my goal and I was thrilled that I had reached it, but I was left without a new goal. I had decided I wasn’t going to write on this blog anymore for several reasons. First, I would not be doing 2016 miles in 2016. Second, I had become discouraged with writing for the blog without getting very much feedback. It felt so impersonal. Third, I felt that since I was not going to be training for half marathons or marathons that I had nothing to say that would be worthwhile to those in the running/walking community.

But, I decided that I did have some important things to share. I am sure that all of us experience being in a funk. I know we have all reached goals and have struggled with setting a new goal. I will be focusing on just walking an average of 3 miles a day and adding lap swimming to my exercise routine.

I am still on my journey to fitness. I am more fit than I was last January and I know that I will be more fit next January. I realized that the journey to fitness never ends. It may change and it may take a different path, but it is still a journey.

Instead of remaining in a funk, I decided to get off my butt and get back out there. When I am in my 80’s I want to still be walking, swimming, or whatever exercise I want to do. I have 19 years to go before I turn 80. Can you imagine how fit I will be by then? Can you imagine how fit you will be in 19 more years on your journey to fitness?? Get out there today and make your goal a reality. “It isn’t the distance that matters, it’s taking that first step that matters.”

Take that first step with me and enjoy the ride!!

Race-day related updates will be posted here.