Life Happens

Sometimes life throws you a curveball and you have to make a last minute decision. Well, that’s exactly what happened to me today. Two weeks ago we were visiting friends in Iowa. The first morning after we arrived I fell getting out of their bathtub. There was no bath mat and I was trying to reach the one in front of the toilet. Yup, I missed and my wet foot hit the tile floor and I went flying(not literally). My hip and leg, all the way down to my knee, thudded on top of the edge of the tub. Within half an hour I had a huge, black bruise all the way from my hip to my knee and halfway around my leg. I have always been clumsy but this was one of the worst falls I had taken. I still have bruises and my hip bone is still tender. I can’t even have my 9 pound dog lean against it. I was supposed to walk in the Great Runaway Pumpkin Half Marathon tomorrow. I decided to check with the doctor first. She took X-rays but the results won’t be in until tomorrow. She was positive that I had bruised my hip bone but she wanted to make sure that there wasn’t a small fracture. I asked her about walking the 13.1 miles and she said she would not recommend it because I could aggravate the injury. I remember those times when I have read posts on the Run/Walk 2015 miles in 2015 virtual challenge website and there would be people posting about their injuries and the advice they got from their doctors not to run or walk in an upcoming race. Then they would post that they were going to compete no matter what their doctor said. I thought they were crazy and I still think that way. I am going to be 61 and I am not about to risk further injury to my hip. I will let it heal, skip the half marathon tomorrow, and walk in another one when I am able to. I guess you do get wiser in your old age. So, when life throws you a curveball, make a good choice. There is always another time to hit it out of the ballpark!

Race-day related updates will be posted here.