Make It Fun!


When I shared my first blog post, I told you about the online challenge I took to walk 2,015 miles in the year 2015. When I started this challenge I did some things to make it easier and to make it fun.

1. I calculated the mileage from my home in Lebanon, Oregon to New York City, New York. Then I made a map to chart my “Walk Across America”.

2. I shared what I was doing with my Weight Watcher’s group. They became my cheerleaders and my biggest supporters. They always wanted to know which city I had reached and they celebrated as I reached Boise, Idaho; Cheyenne, Wyoming; Salt Lake City, Utah; etc.

3. I decided to post my “race bibs” at every 100 miles I walked. I was able to download the bibs from the Run/Walk The Edge In 2015 website. I didn’t want to just post the bibs, I wanted to do something fun. I chose to have a funny photo taken, write a funny caption for it, and then post it. I looked forward to thinking up new captions and photos to create to go with them. I have posted 3 of my favorites here.

The caption I wrote for the photo I had my husband take when I reached 200 miles walked was, “These feet were made for walking!” The caption for reaching 1,100 miles was, “I am rolling along!” And the caption for the photo showing my 1,500 mile mark was, “I’m racking up the miles!” I look forward to reaching each 100 mile mark.

This has helped me by breaking up the challenge into smaller goals of 100 miles instead of focusing on the entire 2,015 miles. I will reach 1,700 miles walked by October 14th. Then I will only have 315 miles left to walk before 12/31/15.

It hasn’t been an easy challenge, but I am glad I chose to take it!!

Race-day related updates will be posted here.