Growing up my mom was always telling me how smart I was. I think she saw my potential and wanted me to be confident. I remember thinking that a sure sign of a truly brilliant mind would be that things would always be easy, school work wouldn’t require studying and the good grades would just come to me. My mother neglected to tell me that even intelligence requires hard work, in fact being able to work hard-identifying challenges and obstacles, and then being able to overcome them was what an intelligent mind does. It has taken me several decades to finally realize that potential and intelligence, just like any seed, requires cultivation and intentional effort.
I have been thinking a lot about this concept in all aspects of my life lately. I have been trying to sculpt a new reality out of the clay of my life. I feel like everything relates back to running, for me, and it might sound a little redundant to once again bring up the merits and virtues of running but when I began running I hoped it would be a power for change for good in my life and it has.
Training with my friend, Amity, has sped up my progress and so I am running into obstacles a lot faster than before-I like to think of these as springboards, or “learning opportunities”. One of these springboards has been an IT band issue-oh yes, the runner’s bane. I have learned the importance of rest, that growth requires slow and steady rather than light speed, and that I need to develop other areas of strength-stretching, yoga, weights to compliment my running. Amity and I will not be able to train together for 3 weeks and so now I face a new challenge, heading out on my own-will I continue strong and steady on my own or is my resolve dependent on the support of others? Another significant issue for me has been related to my body image “sensitivity”-becoming a runner has meant building muscle mass in areas I felt I wanted to shrink-in short you don’t get a “barbie doll” figure running. Getting bigger leg muscles bothered me a little at first, but then I realized what it meant-I was getting stronger and more fit. I further realized that I didn’t care if my legs were getting bigger because I love to run and am not going to stop just to keep my legs from getting a little bigger! This was a fantastic revelation to me-I love feeling healthy and strong more than I am attached to my deeply rooted body image mis-conceptions. Maybe there is hope for me-I am overcoming my self-image sickness! All of these seemingly difficult “problems” have proven to be answers to other problems I have. The IT band has helped me be more patient, persistent and determined. Having to go out on my own is teaching me self-accountability and intentional planning. My body changing has forced me to face my demons and re-enforced the idea that I am in this for the well-being aspect of running and I am loving that feeling.
Recognizing these “obstacles” as spring boards and stepping stones has taken effort, though. Intentional effort has been required at every step and will be required of me in everything I will do. I started running to affect a change in my life, and though it hasn’t come easily and quickly, it has come. The neat thing about life is that we get to decided what we want to accomplish, who we want to be- and we have the power, ability and intelligence to do it-we just have to put in the thought and work. I hope the message resounds in you, reader. If there is a seemingly impossible dream you’ve been hiding away, pull it out, dust it off and get to work-and I hope that when you run into that first “obstacle” you will remember that it is just a springboard waiting to launch you to the next level.
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I loved running the half marathon this year!! The course was diverse, well laid out, and clearly marked. All the volunteers were cheerful and helpful. I loved the food at the end, the music and the great energy and enthusiasm of all those involved. It was very evident that great care and thought went into every detail of this fantastic race. A big thank you to everyone who put so much time and effort into making this race a great experience!! Each succeeding year of this race gets better and better--I look forward to next year!

I had a blast. The course was well laid out and the stations were a great sight to see. The finish line was set up wonderfully. The after food, music, stretch tables and crowd were very welcoming. Thank you for everything. I really can't wait till next year.

My first Marathon! This was a great experience, extremely well marked course not only that but someone at every turn cheering you on was great, big thanks to them! Aid stations lots of them, after mile 20 my belt was empty and I was almost running on empty, they relly helped me finsh, they had everything I was even able to get a gel packet. I will run it again, and would recommend it to anyone. Thank you!

I do travel out-of-state for races from time to time and when I heard about this one, I had to participate. From the amazing/scenic course to the incredible volunteers, friendly participants & spectacular weather, I'd have to give kudos for a job well done. You guys just keep rocking it like you are and it won't forsake you. I hope to be back next year!

This was my first race ever and it could not have been any better! The energy on the course was amazing, everyone cheering each other on was inspiring. Having a pacer helped me complete my half marathon in my goal time! The whole event was well planned and a fun day all around, can't wait to do it again!!

The race was awesome. A really beautiful course. So many kind volunteers cheering us on along the way. Lots of free yummy food at the end. Also live music, physical therapists to help you stretch afterward. The t-shirts were great. My friends from Georgia and I are planning to make this our memorial day tradition!

Great event! I just ran the half today! The race seemed well organized and the course is fast and flat as described and runs through lovely neighborhoods and parks, nicely shaded, lots of beautiful trees and greenery, etc. Loved the venue for the start and finish. Loved the free hot dog or burrito option at the end for participants and BTW the "dawg's" were great and the fellow that owns and runs the hot dog stand was really cool!! He even took the time to snap a few pics of my friend and I for us. Enjoyed the live music while we were eating and waiting for award announcements. I would definitely run this race again and since I won a free race entry (division award) I plan to do just that next year!

This was a very well organized marathon, especially for an inaugural one! Beautiful and fast course. I got a new PR! Great support along the course, especially in the last hard miles. The race director even ran with me for a little bit. :-) I would definitely recommend it. It was small being it's first year but I expect to see it grow a lot in the coming years.