Swimming Upstream

There are some days I just feel like I am fighting a losing battle. Most mornings I get up early and get out for my morning walk by 6:30 am. Then there are several days in a row that I just can’t seem to get out of bed until at least 7:30. I feel sluggish and so I just skip my walk.

Some weeks I follow my Weight Watchers plan and consistently lose weight and then something stressful happens and I am on the couch watching TV, eating a bowl of chocolate, peanut butter ice cream, and munching on crunchy Cheetos.

I am sure all of us have felt like we are swimming upstream at certain points in our lives. So, what do I do when I am feeling discouraged, down in the dumps, and depressed? I focus on my blessings. I have a Facebook page where I share daily blessings, people and things I am thankful for, why I am thankful for them, and inspiring quotes.

Here is part of my blessings list when I feel like giving up on my journey to fitness:

1. I am thankful for my family and friends who have cheered me on and encouraged me all along my journey. There are days I just can’t do it on my own.

2. I am thankful that I am healthy enough to get out and walk. I have two strong legs, healthy lungs, and a heart with no problems. There are so many people who have health issues that I can’t even imagine.

3. I am thankful for favorite quotes that inspire me to keep going: “When you feel like quitting, think about why you started”; “Be miserable or motivate yourself. Whatever has to be, the choice is always yours”; “You have to fight through the bad days to get to the good days”.

4. I am thankful that I can look back at the progress I have made. A year ago I was 30 lbs. heavier.

5. I am thankful for the inspiring stories other walkers/runners share.

What blessings are you thankful for when you feel like quitting?

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