I am just excited, that is all I can think about. This last weekend was a great energizer for me. My friend and I did our long run (15 miles!!!) and our church had something called “general conference” during which time our whole world-wide congregation receives spiritual instruction and it is just a great boost to me-it helps me re-evaluate and focus and feel closer to my Creator. So it is on this wave of enthusiasm and energy that I am writing.
This last summer I started running. I knew it was something I wanted and needed to do. So I did it. I decided to be a little ambitious and make a goal- a half-marathon. I just wanted something to work towards-something that would measure my progress and provide a commitment I needed to keep. I have decided that I am going to do the marathon instead. I never realized that I could be here, at this point, if I just kept running. I am talking about what is going on inside of me. I feel that strong fire burning inside of me, again. It has been a long time. I have had a small flame that never dies-I guess it’s my hope flame, but I haven’t had roaring fire in so long, but now, when I look in the mirror I see a steady gaze, happy eyes and the tilt of my chin says “no monkey business” (but in a happy way). I can’t say enough about the potential of the human spirit.
I think we each need to see who we are inside. We get covered by a layer of imperfection and wrapped in disappointing experiences and pretty soon we’ve cocooned ourselves into an unrecognizable mass of less than what we are. We allow ourselves to expect less of ourselves, we see only what we’ve covered ourselves in and it drags us down, BUT if you go and look in the mirror and look into your eyes (I mean really search) you will see that spark, that twinkle-your light, begging to be let out. Oh I wish I could run around and grab people by the shoulders and tell them “you are amazing!!” and have them believe me (instead of thinking I’m a nut). I’ve decided there is no time to waste on second guessing yourself, on “tomorrows”, do what you can today because you CAN.
I was recently speaking to a dear sweet friend and we were talking about looking for local causes to help with. We want to do something positive, we can and so we will. I see the news and I want to go rescue refugees and abused children and I get so overwhelmed and frustrated at my limited reach and abilities and I will let it discourage me-I can’t do that anymore. So I will bite off what I can chew and do that. Find you 1 mile, your 5 mile, your around the block chunk of good you can do and do it. It doesn’t have to be a marathon of good works. No one starts with a marathon-every race is run one step at a time, training, planning, little steps, consistent efforts. I really believe average people doing small acts of goodness, consistently, is the key to the change we all want in this world.
So go run hard, do good and BE HAPPY!
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I loved running the half marathon this year!! The course was diverse, well laid out, and clearly marked. All the volunteers were cheerful and helpful. I loved the food at the end, the music and the great energy and enthusiasm of all those involved. It was very evident that great care and thought went into every detail of this fantastic race. A big thank you to everyone who put so much time and effort into making this race a great experience!! Each succeeding year of this race gets better and better--I look forward to next year!

I had a blast. The course was well laid out and the stations were a great sight to see. The finish line was set up wonderfully. The after food, music, stretch tables and crowd were very welcoming. Thank you for everything. I really can't wait till next year.

My first Marathon! This was a great experience, extremely well marked course not only that but someone at every turn cheering you on was great, big thanks to them! Aid stations lots of them, after mile 20 my belt was empty and I was almost running on empty, they relly helped me finsh, they had everything I was even able to get a gel packet. I will run it again, and would recommend it to anyone. Thank you!

I do travel out-of-state for races from time to time and when I heard about this one, I had to participate. From the amazing/scenic course to the incredible volunteers, friendly participants & spectacular weather, I'd have to give kudos for a job well done. You guys just keep rocking it like you are and it won't forsake you. I hope to be back next year!

This was my first race ever and it could not have been any better! The energy on the course was amazing, everyone cheering each other on was inspiring. Having a pacer helped me complete my half marathon in my goal time! The whole event was well planned and a fun day all around, can't wait to do it again!!

The race was awesome. A really beautiful course. So many kind volunteers cheering us on along the way. Lots of free yummy food at the end. Also live music, physical therapists to help you stretch afterward. The t-shirts were great. My friends from Georgia and I are planning to make this our memorial day tradition!

Great event! I just ran the half today! The race seemed well organized and the course is fast and flat as described and runs through lovely neighborhoods and parks, nicely shaded, lots of beautiful trees and greenery, etc. Loved the venue for the start and finish. Loved the free hot dog or burrito option at the end for participants and BTW the "dawg's" were great and the fellow that owns and runs the hot dog stand was really cool!! He even took the time to snap a few pics of my friend and I for us. Enjoyed the live music while we were eating and waiting for award announcements. I would definitely run this race again and since I won a free race entry (division award) I plan to do just that next year!

This was a very well organized marathon, especially for an inaugural one! Beautiful and fast course. I got a new PR! Great support along the course, especially in the last hard miles. The race director even ran with me for a little bit. :-) I would definitely recommend it. It was small being it's first year but I expect to see it grow a lot in the coming years.